English version

Lebon Cyrille

Entomologist assistant engineer

Team Dynamics of Infectious agents in Insular ecosystems (DysIIs)

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Research Interests
Mosquitoes studies


  • 2008/2010: Master degree in Ecology and Ethology, University of St Etienne

  • 2004/2007: Bachelor degree in Biology, University of La Réunion

Professional experience

  • 2019/2020: Entomologist assistant engineer, Vectobiomes project, UMR PIMIT

  • 2016/2018: Entomologist assistant engineer, SymBIOTIC project, CYROI.

  • 2011/2015: Entomologist assistant engineer, SIT Project, IRD.


Entomology expertise

  • Mosquitoes rearing

  • Mosquitoes identification

  • Mosquito dissection

  • Mosquito filed capture: (BG sentinel, laying trap, Gravid females traps)



Lebon C, Benlali A, Atyame CM, Mavingui P, Tortosa P. 2018. Construction of a Genetic Sexing Strain for Aedes albopictus: a promising tool for the development of sterilizing insect control strategies targeting the tiger mosquito. Parasites & Vectors. 11:658.
Lebon C, Soupapoule K, Wilkinson D, Le Goff G, Damiens D, Gouagna L. C. 2018, Laboratory evaluation of the effects of sterilizing doses of y-rays from the Caesium-137 source on the daily flight activity and flight performance of Aedes albopictus males, PloS ONE 10(8)


Le Goff G, Damiens D, Payet L, Ruttee A.H, Payet L, Lebon C, Dehecq J.S, Geier M,  Gouagna L.C. 2017, Comparison of Efficiency of BG-Sentinel Traps Baited with Mice, Mouse-Litter, and CO2 Lures for Field Sampling of Male and Female Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes, Insects 8:95


 Le Goff G, Damiens D, Payet L, Ruttee A.H, Jean F, Lebon C, Dehecq J.S, Gouagna L.C. 2016, Enhancement of the BG-sentinel trap with varying number of mice for field sampling of male and female Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, Parasites & Vectors  9:514
Damiens D, Lebon C, Wilkinson D, Dijoux-Millet D, Le Goff G, Bheecarry B, Gouagna L. C, 2016 Cross-mating compatibility and competitiveness among Aedes albopictus strains from distinct geographic origins - implications for future application of SIT programs in the South West Indian Ocean Islands, PLoS ONE 11(11)
Damiens D, Tjeck P. O, Lebon C, Le Goff G, Gouagna L.C. 2016, The Effects of Age at First Mating and Release Ratios on the Mating Competitiveness of Gamma- Sterilised Aedes albopictus Males under Semi Field Conditions, Vector Biology Journal J1:1
Atyame C. M,  Labbé P, Lebon C, Weill M, Moretti R, Marini F, Gouagna L. C, Calvitti M, Tortosa P. 2016, Comparison of irradiation and Wolbachia based approaches for sterile-male strategies targeting Aedes albopictus. PLoS ONE 11(1)
Atyame C. M, Cattel J, Lebon C, Flores O, Dehecq J.S, Rutee A, Weill M, Gouagna L.C, Tortosa P. 2015, Wolbachia-based population control strategy targeting Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes proves efficient under semi-field conditions. PLoS ONE 10(3)
Wilkinson D, Lebon C, Wood T, Rosser G, Gouagna L.C. 2014, Straightforward multi-object video tracking for quantification of mosquito flight activity. Journal of Insect Physiology 71: 114–121
Gouagna L.C, Kerampran R, Lebon C, Brengues C, Toty C, Wilkinson D, Boyer S. Fontenille D. 2013, Sugar-source preference, sugar intake and relative nutritional benefits in Anopheles arabiensis males. Acta Tropica 132:70–79
Jacquet M, Lebon C, Lemperiere G, Boyer S. 2012, Behavioural functions of grooming in male Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae), the Asian tiger mosquito. Appl Entomol Zool 47:359–363